Being pregnant is an exciting time, but it comes with challenges. During pregnancy, women experience aches and pains, nausea, and yes – frequent urination.

As weeks go by, and your pregnancy progresses, women will find the need to urinate more. This is particularly true during the second and third trimesters as the baby continues to grow and puts pressure on your bladder. You’ll likely find that the number of trips to the bathroom increase, both day and night.

With the pains and aches, along with frequent urination, pregnant women will have trouble bending down or squatting to pee so frequently. A stand to pee device is an under-looked product to makes the lives of pregnant women much easier in several ways. Here are a few reasons why pregnant women should carry a stand to pee device with them.

Avoid using public restrooms 

During your pregnancy, you may need to use a public toilet when you are away from home. Public bathrooms should be avoided if possible. They may not be as clean and hygienic, and what’s worse, restrooms and toilet seats may cause infections. 

You can use a stand to pee device to avoid direct contact with unhygienic public toilets during pregnancy. These are perfect for when public toilets are noticeable dirty or unkept, they can be used to avoid direct contact. For this reason, keep one handy in your bag when going out.

Urine tests are easier to do

You’ll have urine tests at several prenatal visits throughout your pregnancy. Practitioners ask you for a urine sample during each visit (or once per trimester). These urinalysis tests for sugar, protein, bacteria, and blood cells ensure you don’t have a condition such as a UTI or gestational diabetes. 

A stand to pee device helps you give a urine sample when you go to the doctor for pregnancy check-ups. When your bump gets too big for you to see where you are aiming, a stand to pee device ensures your aim your great, making urine tests much easier!

There’s no need to resort to squatting 

As your baby bump grows, it gets progressively more difficult to squat. With frequent urination, squatting down can get old. Having a stand to pee device handy to use can solve this issue. It can take the strain from your thighs and back when you have to go – especially if you choose to squat over unclean or unhygienic public toilets.

You never know when you’ll need to go

When you are pregnant, you’ll experience going to the ladies’ room frequently. In case of an emergency, having a stand to pee device at hand and readily available will be useful when have to go. You’ll never know when it or where you’ll need one. 

Stand-to-Pee Devices Will Make Frequent Urination Easier During Pregnancy

Frequent urination is one of the many challenges women will face during pregnancy. You’ll always feel like your bladder is full, and have the constant urge to pee.

At StandNP, our goal is to make going to the bathroom easier for women. We urge women who are pregnant to carry a stand to pee device with them. Once you have a stand to pee device, you’ll notice how much easier your life will become! 

If you are new to using stand and pee devices, read this article on how they work. Learn more about our disposable stand to pee devices.